Siamese method


Put number 1 in the middle of the top row. Put the numbers 2 up to n (= length of the square) each time one cell diagonal up and to the right. Put number n+1 below number n. Put the numbers n+2 up to 2n each time one cell diagonal up and to the right. Put number 2n+1 below number 2n. Etcetera ...



7x7 symmetric magic square

30 39 48 1 10 19 28
38 47 7 9 18 27 29
46 6 8 17 26 35 37
5 14 16 25 34 36 45
13 15 24 33 42 44 4
21 23 32 41 43 3 12
22 31 40 49 2 11 20



You can use this method to construct magic squares of odd order from 3x3 to infinite and you get a symmetric (but not pan)magic square.


See 3x35x57x79x911x1113x1315x1517x1719x1921x2123x2325x2527x27,  29x29 and 31x31


7x7, Siamese method.xls
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