32x32x32 magic cube


It is not difficult to get a Nasik 32x32x32 magic cube.


[Knight jump method] René Chrétien created a Nasik 32x32x32 magic cube. You can find sequential numbers in the magic cube by using chess knight jumps.


[John Hendricks method] René Chrétien created a Nasik 32x32x32 magic cube by using the John Hendricks method.


[Composite 3'] Use a Nasik 8x8x8 magic cube and a most perfect 4x4x4 magic cube (and its inverse) to get a Nasik 32x32x32 magic cube.


[Medjig method] Use the Medjig method 3D to get a Nasik 32x32x32 magic cube consisting of 8x proportional Nasik 16x16x16 magic cube and 1/4 row/column/diagonal in each level give 1/4 of the magic sum.


[Composite 2] Blow up 2x2x2 the Nasik 16x16x16 magic cube consisting of 8x Dwane Campbell's 8x8x8 Nasik magic cube and you get a Nasik 32x32x32 magic cube consisting of 64x Nasik 8x8x8 magic cube and 1/8 row/column/diagonal in each level give 1/8 of the magic sum.